Sunday, July 31, 2016

Book Review: Moon Called (Mercy THompson #1) by Patricia Briggs

Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1)
Moon Called (Mercy Thompson #1)by Patricia Briggs
Mercedes "Mercy" Thompson is a talented Volkswagen mechanic living in the Tri-Cities area of Washington. She also happens to be a walker, a magical being with the power to shift into a coyote at will. Mercy's next-door neighbor is a werewolf. Her former boss is a gremlin. And she's fixing a bus for a vampire. This is the world of Mercy Thompson, one that looks a lot like ours but is populated by those things that go bump in the night. And Mercy's connection to those things is about to get her into some serious hot water...

Patricia Briggs has not only awakened her usual adult readers, she sent out wolf call to young adult readers who love their werewolves in this first installment of “The Mercy Thompson Series”, Mercedes “Mercy” Thompson the Volkswagen mechanic. Mercy is the mechanic with an uncanny ability to shift forms as easy as taking a breath and finding trouble or chaos with the next.

Early on we get a sneak peeks of Adams feeling for Mercy upon his arrival when he declares Mercy to be His. With the declaration made the sparks fly as the tension grows when both Adam and Mercy throw the verbal gauntlet at on another. The raw passions you can feel burning between the two leaps off the page at you and leaves you eager for more.

My absolute favorite and will read again and again. I strongly recommend! It has outstanding qualities. The characters are wonderful and surprising and multi-dimensional. The writing is luring, engaging, and well-crafted enough to keep me interested from cover to cover and beyond. The plot is astonishing with twists and turns weaved into a well thought and planned story. There’s no pretense and romance was well balanced and done entirely correctly with properly distributed amounts of hints, behaviors and incredible, undeniable chemistry. Predictability is at an all-time low. With the exception of series based books that follow the same path but are just as good. Overall, Favorite, must read again, recommend!!!

July 30, 2016: Putting myself out there

Hello its Alexandria, back at it again with the first weight loss blog post. *cheers*

So, unfortunately, I haven't really started dieting properly or working out correctly. *Jeers* But, alas..... I have joined a gym! *Applause*

No, I haven't started working out yet.*boos* However, I have had my required visit where I have learned to use each piece of equipment. *Yeah*

Goal setting is a lot harder than you might think. To be honest, gaining weight is easy. Loosing it, is hard. What's even worse, I did it to myself. I don't think it would have been so bad, if it weren't for the kids I went to school with and my emotional dependence on food. What can I say, it makes me feel better, if even for a moment in time.

I guess that I need to put myself out there and share my stats:                                                     

My last weigh in on July 19, 2016 was an astounding 411 lbs

Talk about a wake up call. I can still remember being at my pediatrician office after a weigh and I can recall telling myself that there was no way I was going to get over 312 pounds. Ironically, not only did I pass 312 up but, I find myself 99 pounds heaver. Believer it or not; I have made some changes in the last 6 months. Only problem is, that that these changes don't seem to stick. 

I want to discover the "me" that's inside. The "me" that's not seen when I go grocery shopping with my mom. The "me" that no one stares or laughs at when out when I go out in public.

FOOD & Nutrition
(1) Cut out ALL soda and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
(2) No eating out and eat at least 3 vegetable with each meal. 
(3) Eat a healthy breakfast with more fiber.

Body & Soul
Step 1: Starting August 1, 2016 work out every other day for at least 30 minutes.
Step 2: Getting a full 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
Step 3: Attend at least one service a week or more, pray daily and study.

Because weight loss doesn't happen over night!

Book Rating: Alpha & Omega (Alpha & Omega #0.5) by Patricia Briggs

Alpha & Omega (Alpha & Omega, #0.5)
Alpha & Omega (Alpha & Omega #0.5) by Patricia Briggs

In Cry WolfNew York Times bestselling author Patricia Briggs started a new urban fantasy series set in the world of Mercy Thompson — but with rules of its own. Now, read "Alpha and Omega," the novella that inspired the new series, and see how it all began...

Anna Latham never knew werewolves existed, until the night she survived a violent attack... and became one herself. After three years at the bottom of the Chicago pack, she's learned to keep her head down and never, ever trust dominant males. But when she discovers wrongdoing in her pack, she has to go above her Alpha's head to ask for help.

Charles Cornick is the son — and enforcer — of the leader of the North American werewolves. Now his father has sent him to Chicago to clean up a problem there. Charles never expected to find Anna, a rare Omega wolf — and he certainly never expected to recognize her as his mate...

I was elated to see Charles Cornick grow and find love so passionately for such a strong and serious character. I couldn’t put down. Where can I find a Charles Cornick?

My absolute favorite and will read again and again. I strongly recommend! It has outstanding qualities. The characters are wonderful and surprising and multi-dimensional. The writing is luring, engaging, and well-crafted enough to keep me interested from cover to cover and beyond. The plot is astonishing with twists and turns weaved into a well thought and planned story. There’s no pretense and romance was well balanced and done entirely correctly with properly distributed amounts of hints, behaviors and incredible, undeniable chemistry. Predictability is at an all-time low. With the exception of series based books that follow the same path but are just as good. Overall, Favorite, must read again, recommend!!!

Book Rating: Suck It Up (Suck It Up #1) by Brian Meehl

Suck It Up (Suck It Up, #1)
 Suck It Up ( Suck It Up #1) by Brian Meehl

ARE YOU UP to your neck in bloodsucking vampire stories?
Tired of those tales about dentally enhanced dark lords?

Before I wrote this book I thought all vampires were night-stalking, fang popping, bloodsucking fiends. Then I met Morning McCobb. He's a vegan vampire who drinks a soy-blood substitute called Blood Lite. He believes staking should be a hate crime. And someday he hopes to march in a Vampire Pride Parade. He was also the first vampire to out himself and try to show people of mortality, like you and me, that vampires are just another minority with special needs. Trust me--this is like no other vampire book you'll ever feed on. So, as my buddy Morning says, Pop the lid, and suck it up!

General Overview Rating: Among some of my favorites. Outstanding literary work. The characters are well developed, interesting. The liked characters are likable and the hated are unlikable. The writing is captivating enough to keep you interested until the end and leave you wanting more. It has a fairly original or Overall, loved it, I recommend reading!!
uniquely well-developed plot. The pretense and romance was well balanced and done with properly distributed amounts of hints, behaviors and chemistry. Not so much predictable if at all.

Book Rating: Covet (Fallen Angels #1) by JR Ward

Covet (Fallen Angels, #1)Covet (Fallen Angels #1) by J.R. Ward

Redemption isn’t a word Jim Heron knows much about—his specialty, both personally and professionally, is revenge, and to him, sin is all relative.

Vincent Di Pietro has surrendered himself to his business—until fate intervenes in the form of a tough-talking, Harley-riding, self-professed savior, and a woman who will make him question his destiny

General Overview Rating: My absolute favorite and will Overall, Favorite, must read again, recommend!!!
read again and again. I strongly recommend! It has outstanding qualities. The characters are wonderful and surprising and multi-dimensional. The writing is luring, engaging, and well-crafted enough to keep me interested from cover to cover and beyond. The plot is astonishing with twists and turns weaved into a well thought
and planned story. There’s no pretense and romance was well balanced and done entirely correctly with properly distributed amounts of hints, behaviors and incredible, undeniable chemistry. Predictability is at an all-time low. With the exception of series based books that follow the same path but are just as good.

Cover Reveal: ~*July 29*~ Beneath the Void (Fighting Chance #2) by Elisa Dance

Beneath the Void

Elisa Dane
(Fighting Chance #2)
Published by: Swoon Romance
Publication date: August 9th 2016
Genres: Romance, Young Adult

Sadie Reynolds is drowning.
Months have passed since Ian Daniels and Newton Daily opened fire at Atwood High school, killing dozens of students before turning the guns on themselves.
Determined to pay tribute to her fallen classmates and teachers, Sadie’s thrown herself into the memorial project at the newly rebuilt school. But it’s not enough. Horrific dreams of the shooting intertwined with memories of the night her mother was murdered keep her up at night and haunt her during the day.
The constant stream of hate raining down on her from faceless social media trolls only make matters worse. Her boyfriend, Hayden brings the only source of relief when he sneaks in to sleep next to her on nights her dad is at work.
Desperate for normalcy, Sadie fills every waking moment of her day with anything to take her mind off her pain. If she’s exhausted, she’ll be too tired to acknowledge the new threat gunning for her.
BENEATH the VOID is book 2 in Elisa Dane’s Fighting Chance series, a hard-hitting and unapologetically raw look at teen violence in schools and the aftermath of learning to pick up the pieces and heal.
Sequel to:

Author Bio:
ELISA DANE is a self-proclaimed book junkie. A lover of handbags, chocolate, and reality television, she's a proud mother to three All- Star cheerleaders. Writing is her absolute passion, and it's her mission to create stories that will not only take you on a romantic journey that will warm your heart, but help you find a new respect and interest in the sport of All-Star cheerleading.
Elisa is no stranger to the publishing world. She writes steamy paranormal romance under her real name, Lisa Sanchez. Her adult works include the Hanford Park series (Eve Of Samhain, Pleasures Untold, and Faythe Reclaimed), Obsessed (an erotic suspense), and a paranormal novella, Cursing Athena. Elisa lives in Northern California with her husband, three daughters, and a feisty Chihuahua who stubbornly believes she's human.


Give Away: Building a Following for Novel Delight Reviews and More!!

I know it cheesy to do a simple give-a-way, but I thought what motivates me to follow a blow?? My answers was so simple, I follow for the reviews and yes the give-a-ways. 

So whats up for grabs you ask??? Glad you asked... :-)   
How about a $5.00 gift card??

I know, I know, it's not much.. but what can you expect, I'm just rounding 15-years-old and knocking on 16s door.

Now I just know your in a panic. Jumping around just wondering what to do next??

Wondering, do I have to do a million and one things for a whopping $5.00...

Its simple, just.... Follow My Blog! However, you can give me a tweet out on Twitter to help out and raise your chances of winning!

Comment Below

The Boyfriend Bylaws (Totally Fit Series #1) by Susan Hatler

Melanie Porter has been dumped—again. When others accuse her of “being in love with being in love,” she agrees to let her best friend, Patti, step in and direct her dating life with The Boyfriend Bylaws.

Rule #1: No giving out your phone number until approved to do so.

Rule #2: Must obtain permission to accept any date invitation.

Rule #3: No bringing up marriage, kids or the future.

Rule #4: No going to first base without authorization.

Amended Rule #4: No going to first base, or any other base, without authorization.

Rule #5: No scribbling your first name with some guy’s last name. Ever.

Rule #6: New rules may be added as Patti Hartley deems necessary.

Memorize it, live by it, and happy dating!

. . . .

“His name is Nick,” I said. “He seems like a total gentleman, not to mention he’s insanely gorgeous. Can I get permission to go on a date with him before he asks me out?”

Patti scoffed, stretched her leg out, and reached for her right foot. “No way.”

Why did she have to be so difficult? I was playing by her rules. “What’s the point of waiting until he asks me out, and then calling you? That’s just stupid.”

“Why should you wait? Let’s see. Brad. Paul. Mike. Marcus. And don’t think I didn’t see the wink your co-worker, Matt, gave you at lunch today.”

“The Boyfriend Bylaws” is billed as the first novella in a series called “Totally Fit” and is filled many, many tangible laugh aloud moments that will have you recalling your own good old days. How many times it seems you stuck your foot in your mouth around a hot guy. Tapped for the adult genre this light hearted romance is suitable for the older young adults as well.

Hatler’s novella focuses around a group of friends who work together at a local fitness center. The banter between these friends is downright comical. With the fitness center going under, Nick steps in and saves it. Melanie, your average young hot woman struggling with relationship woos in search for the ONE, will leave you smiling and craving for more. Hatler’s witty dialogues are highly seasoned and spot on and she even tosses in some shock value moments.

I f your in the mood for some light romance that’s not over the top sexual, check out “The Boyfriend Bylaws”. You will not be disappointed and best of all…. There is more to come soon in the second installment of the “Totally Fit Series”.

Disclosure: I participate in Author Reviews and a copy was provided to me by the author. No payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was not any obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed here are entirely mine and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist, or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

SUSAN HATLER is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, who writes humorous and emotional contemporary romance and young adult novels. Many of Susan's books have been translated into German, Spanish, French, and Italian. A natural optimist, she believes life is amazing, people are fascinating, and imagination is endless. She loves spending time with her characters and hopes you do, too.

You can reach Susan here:

Book Review: Frostbitten by Heather Beck

I participate in Read-to-Review at YA Buddy Readers' Corner on and an e-copy was provided to me by the author and/or the publishers. No payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was not any obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed here are entirely mine and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist, or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Great beauty hides dark secrets... 

Seventeen-year-old Anastasia Lockhart has never led an easy life, but when she starts getting into serious trouble, she’s sent to live with her grandparents in Cedar Falls. The small, picturesque town hasn’t changed since she visited four years ago, with one exception – the presence of a handsome, mysterious boy named Frost. Despite warnings from her grandparents and friends to stay away from Frost, Anastasia can’t deny their attraction, and the more time they spend together, the deeper in love they fall. Unfortunately, Frost has a secret that is beyond Anastasia’s wildest imagination, and she soon finds herself in the midst of a supernatural legend that has haunted Cedar Falls for years. 

Can Anastasia and Frost’s love really overcome anything, or are their fates much darker?

OK let's face it. I have a horrible issue with judging a book by its cover. And yes, this cover drew me right in. Let's face it. I'm a huge paranormal fan and the cover with a beautiful white wolf and a woman wearing an elegant purple gown in a snow covered forest. Like I always think, the prettier or hotter the cover, the book has to be awesome, right? I really enjoyed reading this alongside my my teenage daughter. 

However, I want to note that the author noted that Anastasia "had fallen victim to a negative self-fulfilling prophecy". This is not the case. From what I read, Anastasia was in fact labeled, "a bad girl" by the same teachers who failed to recognize Anastasia being bullied and ostracized for being a good student and "teachers pet", furthermore, thrusting her into the land of misfit kids to stave off loneliness. When one teacher labels a student, "bad" its a stigma that attaches to the child and nothing can be done to change the view of upcoming teachers. Further validated by Anastasia trying to turn her teachers view of her around to no avail. Therefore, the breaking point that lead to her grandparents intervention, was brought on by a stigma that educators have an unwillingness to bed much less have faith in a student to change his or her ways. Especially when brought on by external factors as well as external labels. Sorry about the rant, rant, ranting.

Due to Anastasia's poor choices and the fact that her mother become a mother at the tender age of 16, she is packed up and shipped to Cedar Falls to be raised in the small town her mother grew up to be straightened out by her grandparents. Upon arrival, things are different than what she remembers. Which is strange in itself as they have not been back since her mother was seven months pregnant with Anastasia. Why is it strange? Because when Anastasia (who has never been but been) remembers telling everyone who her grandfather is. She also learns that her grandfathers job is in jeopardy. She catches sight of an alluring new guy who may or may not be related to her grandfather's nemesis. Oh, and he may or may not be a were-man. Only time will tell....

Leader of the pack... one thing that has been made abundantly clear is no matter where you go kids in clicks can be cruel. Also the town has an eerie feel. Like the town's folks are keeps outsiders out of the loop. It had me thinking about the episode of The X Files or Supernatural that had cult like townies. Yes, I know... strange correlation considering at this point considering its just the tip of the iceberg. When really we should be pondering:

**That dream... psych connection or premonition?
**Ugh... Jack and Jill... Oops I just vomited a little there.
**What's the deal with the queen b**ch? Oops my bad queen bee.
**Speaking of deal's...Why all the uncalled for hate directed at Frost? Is that ominous or what?

Such cruel intentions... rumor, rumor, rumor has it.... OMG! Nope, it's not the beautiful[rose and note left on the locker. It much more sinister and wrong than that. Leaving me wondering just what is it with this backwoods town? Common sense says, YES, you should investigate a rumor such as [a teacher involved sexually with a student. However, when said rumor also has its own[website devoted to fueling the flames with commentary and voting forums, the adults should have enough common sense to know there is no validity to at accusation. Therefore, giving the bullies more power to hurt their peers and destroy an [educators reputation. Why am I so focused on the bullies because kids are just evil nowadays. As for Frost, some heart wrenching truths have been spilled but the cult like census is we must hate and not befriend Frost or become subjected to ostracism. Thank heavens Anastasia has more common sense than to think like that. I smell young love in the air. My additional pondering thoughts:

**Do I smell young love in the air? Could it be more? A psychic connection or kindred spirits?
**What will happen to the teacher?
**Will the bullies be found out and punished? Or will it be swept under the rug, in the name of the stupidity?
**Will Frost find his birth parents?

Ahh, the remembered Romeo and Juliet; only now its Frost and Anastasia. Both forbidden lovers whose family are at odds with one another. A secret love blossoms with a refreshing innocents thus far. But Kate.... dang... what a raging lying b****. At one point I was reminded of a Sabbath school lesson about the rich man and the poor man. I can see the earthly translation for this tale as it correlates between the have and the have most. But, holy snot on crackers seriously STALKER much?? I agree Shakespeare had it so right when he said the lady protest too much. However, including Kate's lie and the none acceptance of Anastasia telling the truth about what happened still doesn't explain the animosity these people have against Frost. Again, my former ponders are still unanswered and even more raise such as:

**Does Frost shift?
**Why was the cougar really transferred?
**What the Hell's wrong with this town.
**Will Chloe tell the truth?
**What attack happened 17 years ago? And does it have to do with Frost or Anastasia?

So I have been up in arms about this town having something against Frost but damn they have out for Anastasia just as bad if not more. I have never read such a backward BS lately. It reminds me of that television commercial about the chick who believes the French model BS because it was on the internet. I'm so up in arms about this, I can't see the forest for all the trees. Ugh, then to make matters worse Anastasia gets expelled from school for fighting and a false rumor about a sexual relationship with a teacher and that b**** Kate gets off scots free. To add insult to injury her own darn grandfather [treats her like s*** refusing to listen to her, even though she is telling the truth. Then he announces she has to go back to her mother. Anastasia is devastated not wanting to leave Frost. Can I get someone with a backbone please? Why yes, however, when things are resolved Anastasia still remains the only one punished. It's during this punishment Anastasia and Frost sneak to listen to the town meeting that leaves me pondering:

**Why is Frost so uncomfortable about the topic? Is it him they are possibly discussing?
**Why is Pete so afraid of Frost?
**Is the attack 17 years ago directly related to frost? If so how? Parents/sibling perhaps.

It would seem that the town's mass hysteria might have some validity it although unwarranted considering Anastasia encounter with the beast. Faced with such bazaar occurrences and her own grandfather's obsession, fueled by the town beliefs, continuous begs to answer
**Can Anastasia come to grips knowing the truth?
**Can Anastasia accept Frost for who he is?
**Will there love withstand the family hatred?
**When Frost is confronted with his past, will it break him or make him stronger?
**When facing the town's men will truth comfort and heal or will prejudice prevail?
**When a tragic event occurs, what will be the ultimate outcome?
**What role will Julia play in the final outcome?
**Will Anastasia relationship ever be mended with her parents and grandfather?

It has many redeeming qualities. The characters were likable at best neutral at worst. The writing was much better than expected. I developed an interest that withstood to the end. The plot was nice, somewhat original or had its own unique flair. The writing was good, and the pretense wasn’t half bad, the romance was simmering with few exceptions. The male/female lead showed hints of abuse both verbal and physical, or signs of spot on or forced chemistry. It was a tiny bit predictable. Overall, liked it enough, entertaining. 

Also available on Kindle Unlimited