Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Boyfriend Bylaws (Totally Fit Series #1) by Susan Hatler

Melanie Porter has been dumped—again. When others accuse her of “being in love with being in love,” she agrees to let her best friend, Patti, step in and direct her dating life with The Boyfriend Bylaws.

Rule #1: No giving out your phone number until approved to do so.

Rule #2: Must obtain permission to accept any date invitation.

Rule #3: No bringing up marriage, kids or the future.

Rule #4: No going to first base without authorization.

Amended Rule #4: No going to first base, or any other base, without authorization.

Rule #5: No scribbling your first name with some guy’s last name. Ever.

Rule #6: New rules may be added as Patti Hartley deems necessary.

Memorize it, live by it, and happy dating!

. . . .

“His name is Nick,” I said. “He seems like a total gentleman, not to mention he’s insanely gorgeous. Can I get permission to go on a date with him before he asks me out?”

Patti scoffed, stretched her leg out, and reached for her right foot. “No way.”

Why did she have to be so difficult? I was playing by her rules. “What’s the point of waiting until he asks me out, and then calling you? That’s just stupid.”

“Why should you wait? Let’s see. Brad. Paul. Mike. Marcus. And don’t think I didn’t see the wink your co-worker, Matt, gave you at lunch today.”

“The Boyfriend Bylaws” is billed as the first novella in a series called “Totally Fit” and is filled many, many tangible laugh aloud moments that will have you recalling your own good old days. How many times it seems you stuck your foot in your mouth around a hot guy. Tapped for the adult genre this light hearted romance is suitable for the older young adults as well.

Hatler’s novella focuses around a group of friends who work together at a local fitness center. The banter between these friends is downright comical. With the fitness center going under, Nick steps in and saves it. Melanie, your average young hot woman struggling with relationship woos in search for the ONE, will leave you smiling and craving for more. Hatler’s witty dialogues are highly seasoned and spot on and she even tosses in some shock value moments.

I f your in the mood for some light romance that’s not over the top sexual, check out “The Boyfriend Bylaws”. You will not be disappointed and best of all…. There is more to come soon in the second installment of the “Totally Fit Series”.

Disclosure: I participate in Author Reviews and a copy was provided to me by the author. No payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was not any obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed here are entirely mine and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist, or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

SUSAN HATLER is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, who writes humorous and emotional contemporary romance and young adult novels. Many of Susan's books have been translated into German, Spanish, French, and Italian. A natural optimist, she believes life is amazing, people are fascinating, and imagination is endless. She loves spending time with her characters and hopes you do, too.

You can reach Susan here:

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