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1 Star DNF:
I skipped this one for one reason of another. I wouldn’t recommend wasting time or money. Overall, I just flat out hated or could stomach it. Overall, DNF, skip this one!

1 Star Did not like it:
I fiercely abhor the book… What happened? Was not good at all. Couldn’t find any redeeming qualities. The characters were unlikable The writing and was off, dry, or just plain terrible. I just couldn’t get interested in the book at all. The plot was uninteresting, not original or unique in any way. There was an overload of pretense, the romance was extremely shitty romance. The male/female lead was possibly abusive, verbal/physical or both, boring, or had no-chemistry with love interest, etc. Everything was too easily predictable.  Overall, WTF happened, not good!

2 Stars Okay:
It's okay but didn’t like the book all that much. However, the characters were borderline from unlikable to a few exceptions the plot was a bit poor. The writing was poor at worst and bad at best. I developed some interest in the book but not enough to sustain me. If part of a series, at least one thing peeked my interest to continue. Even though the plot was uninteresting, not original or unique in any way and contained an overload of pretense, the romance was a little better but the romance was still flawed. The male/female lead was possibly abusive, verbal/physical or both, boring, or had no to very little chemistry with love interest, etc. Everything was too easily predictable.  Overall, ok maybe some redeeming value!

3 Stars Liked it:
It has many redeeming qualities. The characters were likable at best neutral at worst. The writing was much better than expected. I developed an interest that withstood to the end. The plot was nice, somewhat original or had its own unique flair. The writing was good, and the pretense wasn’t half bad, the romance was simmering with few exceptions. The male/female lead showed hints of abuse both verbal and physical, or signs of spot on or forced chemistry. It was a tiny bit predictable. Overall, liked it enough, entertaining.

4 Stars Loved it:
Among some of my favorites. Outstanding literary work. The characters are well developed, interesting. The liked characters are likable and the hated are unlikable. The writing is captivating enough to keep you interested until the end and leave you wanting more. It has a fairly original or uniquely well-developed plot. The pretense and romance was well balanced and done with properly distributed amounts of hints, behaviors and chemistry. Not so much predictable if at all. Overall, loved it, I recommend reading!!

5 Stars Amazing Favorite:
My absolute favorite and will read again and again. I strongly recommend! It has outstanding qualities. The characters are wonderful and surprising and multi-dimensional. The writing is luring, engaging, and well-crafted enough to keep me interested from cover to cover and beyond. The plot is astonishing with twists and turns weaved into a well thought and planned story. There’s no pretense and romance was well balanced and done entirely correctly with properly distributed amounts of hints, behaviors and incredible, undeniable chemistry. Predictability is at an all-time low. With the exception of series based books that follow the same path but are just as good. Overall, Favorite, must read again, recommend!!!



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