Sunday, July 31, 2016

Give Away: Building a Following for Novel Delight Reviews and More!!

I know it cheesy to do a simple give-a-way, but I thought what motivates me to follow a blow?? My answers was so simple, I follow for the reviews and yes the give-a-ways. 

So whats up for grabs you ask??? Glad you asked... :-)   
How about a $5.00 gift card??

I know, I know, it's not much.. but what can you expect, I'm just rounding 15-years-old and knocking on 16s door.

Now I just know your in a panic. Jumping around just wondering what to do next??

Wondering, do I have to do a million and one things for a whopping $5.00...

Its simple, just.... Follow My Blog! However, you can give me a tweet out on Twitter to help out and raise your chances of winning!

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