Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 30, 2016: Putting myself out there

Hello its Alexandria, back at it again with the first weight loss blog post. *cheers*

So, unfortunately, I haven't really started dieting properly or working out correctly. *Jeers* But, alas..... I have joined a gym! *Applause*

No, I haven't started working out yet.*boos* However, I have had my required visit where I have learned to use each piece of equipment. *Yeah*

Goal setting is a lot harder than you might think. To be honest, gaining weight is easy. Loosing it, is hard. What's even worse, I did it to myself. I don't think it would have been so bad, if it weren't for the kids I went to school with and my emotional dependence on food. What can I say, it makes me feel better, if even for a moment in time.

I guess that I need to put myself out there and share my stats:                                                     

My last weigh in on July 19, 2016 was an astounding 411 lbs

Talk about a wake up call. I can still remember being at my pediatrician office after a weigh and I can recall telling myself that there was no way I was going to get over 312 pounds. Ironically, not only did I pass 312 up but, I find myself 99 pounds heaver. Believer it or not; I have made some changes in the last 6 months. Only problem is, that that these changes don't seem to stick. 

I want to discover the "me" that's inside. The "me" that's not seen when I go grocery shopping with my mom. The "me" that no one stares or laughs at when out when I go out in public.

FOOD & Nutrition
(1) Cut out ALL soda and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
(2) No eating out and eat at least 3 vegetable with each meal. 
(3) Eat a healthy breakfast with more fiber.

Body & Soul
Step 1: Starting August 1, 2016 work out every other day for at least 30 minutes.
Step 2: Getting a full 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
Step 3: Attend at least one service a week or more, pray daily and study.

Because weight loss doesn't happen over night!

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