Sunday, July 31, 2016

Book Review: Bad Teacher by Clarissa Wild

You caught me, I absolutely loved several books that the story line was a teacher/student relationships. Therefore, when I came across the book cover and title "Bad Teacher", I just had to check out the synopsis:

My name is Thomas and I’m always hard.
No really, that’s my last name. Thomas Hard, the pleasure is all mine … literally.
I can’t help it that my name suits me well.
You know what else suits me well? That girl sitting across the bar, with her lips right where I tell them to be. I want her, and when I want something, it’s gonna be mine.
One night. No names. No phone numbers. Just me, her, and pure pleasure.
Except, that one girl turns out to be the biggest mistake of my life.
Because I broke my cardinal rule …
Never bang a student..

Seriously, who would not want to read that after loving books such as: Unteachable by Raeder, Slammed by Hoover and many others I couldn't pass up the opportunity. However, I was a tiny bit disappointed. The plot was extremely predictable where one could be found. The tone of the story was bland and overdone. The pace moved along slow and the characters one-dimensional.

It's okay but didn’t like the book all that much. However, the characters were borderline from unlikable to a few exceptions the plot was a bit poor. The writing was poor at worst and bad at best. I developed some interest in the book but not enough to sustain me. If part of a series, at least one thing peeked my interest to continue. Even though the plot was uninteresting, not original or unique in any way and contained an overload of pretense, the romance was a little better but the romance was still flawed. The male/female lead was possibly abusive, verbal/physical or both, boring, or had no to very little chemistry with love interest, etc. Everything was too easily predictable. Overall, ok maybe some redeeming value!

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